Aug. 16, 2023 UPDATE The repository is reset so Rev. 54 is now Rev. 1 and Rev. 460 is now Rev. 2! Mar. 24, 2021 UPDATE First read this ( and I apologize for not updating this file to include this link before now! ------------------------------------------------------ For Firefox users reading: You can press CTRL+U and choose View->Wrap Long Lines. For IE readers, Right click, select View Source. ------------------------------------------------------ This file is divided into the following sections. 5) FAQs 4) INSTALLATION 3) KEY REVISIONS 2) SUB-REPOSITORIES 1) ACQUISITION Section 1 is divided into the following sub-sections. C) Partial Checkout B) A Practical Example A) Version Control System All files available for download via are facilitated via the site VCS (Version Control System) which at the time of writing is implemented in the form of a SVN (Subversion) repository. You can browse these files in a very limited way, one file at a time, by pointing your web browser at You can also download the the newest version of each file this way on an individual basis. However, that's not how the files are intended to be brought down from the server en masse. For that you will need a Subversion "client". Which is the software you install on your computer in order to interface with a centralized Subversion repository which resides on a remote server. The next sub-section provides a step-by-step guide to doing this with the aid of TortoiseSVN. B) A Practical Example Step 1: Download TortoiseSVN from Step 2: Install TortoiseSVN. Restarting your computer at this point may not actually be necessary. If you can right click in Explorer (Windows file browser) and see TortoiseSVN in the context menu, then you're good to go. After restart TortoiseSVN will be integrated with Explorer. You should notice illustrative icons in your special Subversion checkout folders if everything is working. Step 3: Make an empty folder where you wish to perform your checkout. This is not really necessary, but it should lessen the odds of checking things out into the wrong folder. When installing Sword of Moonlight via its CD, the directory X:\Program Files\Sword of Moonlight is the default, but it's ok to put things wherever you prefer--UPDATE: ACTUALLY, later versions of Windows treat Program Files as special owned folders, so it's recommended that you do not use it. Things are liable to not work if you do. Step 4: Open the folder, and from inside, right click, which should bring up a menu. If you don't see TortoiseSVN in the menu, you will need to restart your computer (if you followed Step 2 and installed things successfully) and try again. Otherwise, you should see the "SVN Checkout" option. If so, select it. If not, seek help. Step 5 (URL of repository:) This field, for anonymous read access, you will want to look like the following. Step 6 (Checkout directory:) This field you want to make sure is the same as the address bar in the Explorer window you are checking out to (ie. the path to the folder on your computer/network.) FYI: The client may try to fill this out as you are typing in the URL field. Double check this before proceeding to checkout to avoid creating a new top folder in the folder you're meaning to checkout to. Step 7 (Checkout Depth:) For your first time checking out Sword of Moonlight (not a game for example) you will probably want a "Fully recursive" checkout. This is probably the default. In the future however, and if you're using this guide to checkout something other than Sword of Moonlight itself, please consult the next sub-section, "Partial Checkout", before proceeding any further. TIP: At the time of this writing there are no "externals" in the repositories. Step 8 (Revision:) By default, the most recent revision will be checked out. For most repositories, this is a pretty safe bet, because typically Sword of Moonlight files are able to stand on their own. However in rare instances, or for some special types of projects, some files may have dependencies which must be met. You should try to find out the latest "stable" revision for ongoing projects, unless you're meaning to lend a hand to that project, in which case you might as well be up to speed with everyone else involved. There is an accounting of important revisions for the Sword of Moonlight repository in section 2. To find a similar accounting per each sub-repository, you should consult the README files and other documentation found within the sub-repository in question. Remember you can browse via the "world wide web" before checking out. Step 9 (OK:) Finally press the OK button, and with any luck all should go well. For the Sword of Moonlight repository, you may continue at this time to section 4. For other repositories, consult the documentation found within for any special installation instructions. C) Partial Checkout It probably will not be the end of the world for you if you accidentally or otherwise opt to "checkout" an entire repository at once. It's not a bad idea though to consider checking out only the folders which you require. Tip: for the Sword of Moonlight repository itself, chances are you do want all of the files inside. This file however is a minimal guide for using the entire repository/sub-repository framework, including the sub-repositories outlined in the section 2. Your client software may well want to download the entire repository "recursively" by default. In order to perform partial checkouts, you want to disable this behavior each time you use the client to aquire some file if need be. Recursive means if you "checkout" a folder, the client will also "checkout" every single file and folder (and that folder's files and folders, and so on) which reside inside the folder you are checking out... So, you want to be sure you've unchecked the recursive checkout box, or whatever is necessary whenever downloading folders, unless it's a folder which you do want all of. A game for example. There are at lease three ways to go about partial checkout described below. Directly Checking Out the Folder in Question Is simple if you don't care to mirror the layout of the central repositories on your computer, or the layout already exists. Just add the path to the folder you want to the URL specified when performing the initial checkout. Eg. Using the "Repo-browser" Client-side TortoiseSVN and a number of clients provide a stand-alone browser -- called "Repo-browser" by TortoiseSVN. The browser is a view of the remote repository. From there you can browse to the subfolder you want and check it out directly. This should automatically checkout the upstream folders, while not checking out their contents. TIP: If you want all or some of the files in a particular folder, but not the subfolders, this is your only real option, since you can select only the folders which you want before checking out. Indirect Checkout Is pretty much the same as "Direct Checkout" described above. The only difference is you would want to start at the top folder and perform a non-recursive checkout of every folder along the way until you get to the one that you want. TIP: If you checkout some stuff you don't want. It's generally safe to delete it. But you should use the "ignore" feature if it is provided by your client software to prevent the stuff from coming back in the future. 2) SUB-REPOSITORIES The following Capitalized folders are links to additional repositories with different users/privileges (all repositories at are available for anonymous read access) Ex/ client URL: Is the source code created by and used by the developers of Ex. Library/ client URL: Is where you can find all of the games, demos, and other ongoing projects available on by title. Pool/ client URL: Is where to go for custom assets created by Sword of Moonlight users which have been officially adopted by You will need to "check out" these sub-repositories seperately. If you want to check them out into the same folder as your other Sword of Moonlight stuff, you will need to either find and delete the .svn files in any of these (Ex, Library, Pool) folders, or delete and remake the folders altogether. Then checkout the respective repositories into each newly "unversioned" folder. Tip: It's probably in your interest to consider performing partial checkouts only of the folders within these repositories of which you are interested. To do so, follow the partial checkout guidelines in section 1. 3) KEY REVISIONS Revision 48: Is a "full" original disc install of Sword of Moonlight minus the unistaller, and including some additional resources; a working copy of the FromSoftware website circa 2011, necessary install scripts, minimal documentation, and some stub folders for a few of the sub-repositories mentioned in section 2. FYI: It's probably not possible to use SOM_RUN.EXE to build your final redistributable game, unless you have an original (not a copy) Sword of Moonlight CD to act as a anti-copy protection key. Future revisions will remedy this. FYI: Some of the anti-copy protection files in the tool folder can be exploited by modern day computer viruses. They will be removed in future revisions. TIP: The full KING'S FIELD sample must be downloaded separately. See the README file in the SAMPLE/KING'S FIELD folder. Revision 49: Is the 1.01 patch, which is actually reconstructed by subtracting the 1.01->1.02 patch from the all-in-one 1.02 patch (the 1.01 patch is not available via the FromSoftware website downloads page.) UPDATE: som_db.exe did not get patched. See Rev.54 for details. You can probably just update som_db.exe in order to achieve a pristine 101 install -- if for any reason anybody ever needed to do so. It's not likely anyway to see any future revisions. Revision 50: Adds the patch made available via the FromSoftware website. This patch includes the standalone tools which can be used by advanced users to generate new asset files. The original documentation which accompanies the tools can be found in the man/som_tools_010 folder. Revision 51: Is the final 1.01->1.02 2000.4.10 patch. No more patches were released by FromSoftware as of 2011. Revision 52: Is the sum total of the monster/NPC packs released between 2000.11.14 and 2001.4.20. 19 monsters and 22 NPCs in all. Revision 54: Oops, while preparing Rev. 49 (1.01 patch) the som_db.exe patch was not included. Well it's in this Revision. FYI: It did not get copied, because it was way off in the Explorer.exe folder, several scroll screens away from the rest of the files. 4) INSTALLATION Once you have successfully "checked out" an intact revision (~39 or later) you should have two MS-DOS batch (.bat) files in the top folder of your working copy; in other words, the folder which was checked out into. Setup.bat Must be run in order to make this instance of Sword of Moonlight the one which will be used on your computer. If you intend to use Sword of Moonlight via a network share, you will need to run Setup.bat on each computer from which the share is accessed. Tip: If you want to return to another install of Sword of Moonlight, you can copy this file into the folder which includes the tool folder of that install, and run it from there in order to do so. Start.bat Is optional. It will add a shortcut to your Windows Start menu at " of Moonlight" which can be used to begin a Sword of Moonlight session. Tip: Alternatively if you answer Negatively to the first prompt, you will be given the option of removing the shortcut from your system. 5) FAQs Q: How do I uninstall? A: Use Start.bat to remove the Start menu shortcuts if necessary, then delete your folder via Explorer or some other means. Q: But what about the registry? A: Removing information from the registry is not a trivial process, and is generally discouraged because software share the registry in a way that is non-binding. If you still want to remove Sword of Moonlight from your registry, you should run Regedit, and find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/FROMSOFTWARE/SOM folder and choose to delete it from there. Doing so will probably affect any other Sword of Moonlight related software run on your computer. Q: This is really cool, how can I get involved, add and improve files? A: is a good place to start!