############################################################################## ## ## Samples README File ## ## Microsoft Research Detours Package, Version 2.1. ## ## Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ## BUILDING: ========= To build the sample applications, type "nmake" in the samples directory. Note that you must build setdll and syslog in order to use many of the other sample programs. COMMENTS: ========= Each of the sample directories has a test, which can be invoked by typing "nmake test", to demonstrate the usage of the sample. With very few exceptions, all of the executables also accept a "/?" command to display a usage message. The trace* samples log their output through the syelogd.exe daemon and hook CreateProcessW to load themselves into any child processes. For example, typing "withdll -d:traceapi.dll cmd.exe" will create a command shell under which all processes log their API calls through traceapi.dll.