Microsoft Research Detours Package, Version 2.1. ============================================================================== 4/2/98 * Instrumentation: Read Pentium cycle counter * PC configuration: DCOM/TCP, Windows NT Server 4.0, between two 300MHz Pentium boxes, Ethernet connecction * Client test program: HRESULT get(SHORT, SHORT, LONG*) average over 1,000 calls midl /Oicf * Results: get() { <-- (1) IRpcChannelBuffer::SendReceive()) { <-- (2) I_RpcSendReceive() { <-- (3) send(soc, ) <-- (4) NtWaitForSingleObject(soc, ) <-- (5) } // end of RPC layer <-- (6) } // end of channel object <-- (7) } // end of client call Average number of Pentium cycles (1) NDR marshaling overhead (2 SHORTs) 13 K (No! of which 11K from GetBuffer, of which 6.2K from I_RpcGetBuffer()!) (2) Channel object one-way (send) overhead 1.0 K (3) RPC layer one-way (send) overhead 5.3 K (4) TCP + all server work 200 K (5) RPC layer one-way (recv) overhead 5.1 K (6) Channel object one-way (recv) overhead 2.2 K (7) NDR unmarshaling overhead (2 LONGs) 4.2 K (*) send() only 17 K TOTAL CYCLES for client get(): 230 K