############################################################################## ## ## Utility to trace Win32 APIs. ## ## Microsoft Research Detours Package, Version 2.1. ## ## Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ## CLIB=/MT !include ..\common.mak LIBS=$(LIBS) advapi32.lib ole32.lib ws2_32.lib #LIBS = kernel32.lib uuid.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib ole32.lib detours.lib \ # gdi32.lib glu32.lib shell32.lib comdlg32.lib mpr.lib \ # winspool.lib version.lib urlmon.lib winmm.lib opengl32.lib msvcrt.lib \ # dbghelp.lib ############################################################################## all: dirs \ $(BIND)\traceapi.dll \ !IF $(DETOURS_SOURCE_BROWSING)==1 $(BIND)\traceapi.bsc !ENDIF ############################################################################## clean: -del *~ *.obj *.sbr test.txt 2>nul -del $(BIND)\traceapi.* 2>nul dirs: if not exist $(BIND) mkdir $(BIND) $(BIND)\traceapi.dll: traceapi.cpp _win32.cpp $(DEPS) cl /LD $(CFLAGS) /Fe$@ /Fd$(BIND)\traceapi.pdb traceapi.cpp \ /link $(LINKFLAGS) /release /incremental:no /subsystem:console \ /entry:$(DLLENTRY) /export:NullExport \ $(LIBS) $(BIND)\traceapi.bsc : traceapi.obj bscmake /v /n /o $@ traceapi.sbr ############################################################################## test: $(BIND)\traceapi.dll @echo -------- Logging output to test.txt ------------ start $(BIND)\syelogd.exe /o test.txt $(BIND)\sleep5.exe 1 @echo -------- Should load traceapi.dll dynamically using withdll.exe ------------ $(BIND)\withdll -d:$(BIND)\traceapi.dll $(BIND)\sleepold.exe @echo -------- Log from syelog ------------- type test.txt calc: $(BIND)\traceapi.dll @echo -------- Logging output to test.txt ------------ start $(BIND)\syelogd.exe /q /o test.txt $(BIND)\sleep5.exe 1 @echo -------- Should load traceapi.dll dynamically using withdll.exe ------------ $(BIND)\withdll -d:$(BIND)\traceapi.dll $(SYSTEMROOT)\System32\calc.exe @echo -------- Log from syelog ------------- wc test.txt explorer: $(BIND)\traceapi.dll @echo -------- Logging output to test.txt ------------ start $(BIND)\syelogd.exe /q /o test.txt $(BIND)\sleep5.exe 1 @echo -------- Should load traceapi.dll dynamically using withdll.exe ------------ $(BIND)\withdll -d:$(BIND)\traceapi.dll $(SYSTEMROOT)\explorer.exe @echo -------- Log from syelog ------------- wc test.txt wordpad: $(BIND)\traceapi.dll @echo -------- Logging output to test.txt ------------ start $(BIND)\syelogd.exe /q /o test.txt $(BIND)\sleep5.exe 1 @echo -------- Should load traceapi.dll dynamically using withdll.exe ------------ $(BIND)\withdll -d:$(BIND)\traceapi.dll $(PROGRAMFILES)\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe @echo -------- Log from syelog ------------- wc test.txt ws: $(BIND)\traceapi.dll $(BIND)\withdll -d:$(BIND)\traceapi.dll $(BIND)\WebServiceTester.exe ################################################################# End of File.