DWORD_(dwDDFX) DWORD_(dwROP) // Win32 raster operations DWORD_(dwDDROP) // Raster operations new for DirectDraw DWORD_(dwRotationAngle) // Rotation angle for blt DWORD_(dwZBufferOpCode) // ZBuffer compares DWORD_(dwZBufferLow) // Low limit of Z buffer DWORD_(dwZBufferHigh) // High limit of Z buffer DWORD_(dwZBufferBaseDest) // Destination base value DWORD_(dwZDestConstBitDepth) // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for destination // union // { DWORD_(dwZDestConst) // Constant to use as Z buffer for dest //LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSZBufferDest) // Surface to use as Z buffer for dest // } DWORD_(dwZSrcConstBitDepth) // Bit depth used to specify Z constant for source // union // { DWORD_(dwZSrcConst) // Constant to use as Z buffer for src // LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSZBufferSrc) // Surface to use as Z buffer for src // } DWORD_(dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth) // Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend DWORD_(dwAlphaEdgeBlend) // Alpha for edge blending DWORD_(dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth) // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for destination // union // { DWORD_(dwAlphaDestConst) // Constant to use as Alpha Channel // LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAlphaDest) // Surface to use as Alpha Channel // } DWORD_(dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth) // Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source // union // { DWORD_(dwAlphaSrcConst) // Constant to use as Alpha Channel // LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAlphaSrc) // Surface to use as Alpha Channel // } // union // { DWORD_(dwFillColor) // color in RGB or Palettized // DWORD dwFillDepth) // depth value for z-buffer // DWORD dwFillPixel) // pixel value for RGBA or RGBZ // LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSPattern) // Surface to use as pattern // } DWORD_(ddckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue) // DestColorkey override DWORD_(ddckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceHighValue) DWORD_(ddckSrcColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue) DWORD_(ddckSrcColorkey.dwColorSpaceHighValue)