/UPDATE------------------------------------- The author or ResEdit later provided an x64 version. It's not clear exactly where it is at, in terms of the development timeline, and it hasn't been used/tested,but if you are on a 64-bit system, there is little alternative but to use it. /UPDATE------------------------------------- Don't visit ResEdit.net. It's become a host for malware. Use the ResEdit-x86-2014.zip archive instead. --UNFORTUNATELY the archive only contains a 32-bit (x86) version, and it refuses to work with WOW64. And so a 32-bit version of Windows is required to work with it.-- (see latest UPDATE) For more history refer to http://www.swordofmoonlight.net/archives/sword-of-moonlight/2015/10/julien-audo-resedit-net/ /------------------------------------------- About the ResEdit.exe file in this folder: This EXE file is a private build of v1.6.3 with enhancements that have not yet been made public. It is included here mainly because the author/maintainer (Julien Audo) has not been available for comment since sometime before 2015. It should be used to patch the full install found on ResEdit.net, but only if the version obtained from there is v1.6.3.